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June's Book Of The Month


A while back I decided to do a post on my favourite read of the month. I did an instagram post on my 'book of the month' several months ago, before I started my blog, and hadn't done one since, so I thought it was about time I got back to it, especially now I have the proper space to do a book review on. Mind you, I seem to be reading so many good books lately it's going to be tough to narrow it down to one favourite book each month.

I've read a couple of excellent books on my Kindle recently, and after some deliberation, I have concluded that my favourite book for the month of June would have to be 'Pandora' by Susan Stokes-Chapman. If you enjoy historical fiction mixed with mystery and intrigue then this novel is for you, and I can honestly say, it has gone 'up there' as one of my all-time favourite books I have ever read.

'Pandora' has an intricately woven mystery throughout, linked to Ancient Greek mythology, as the title suggests, and although I won't give away any spoilers, the conclusion of the story contains a clever surprise twist that revolves around a certain minor character which brings the mythology and the intrigue together very nicely and expertly, in my humble opinion.

The story centres on a young woman called Pandora who lives with her repulsive uncle in Georgian London. They own and run Pandora's late parents' antiquities shop, but there are mysterious goings-on which Pandora's secretive uncle appears to be conducting, and so Pandora enlists the help of an antiquarian scholar, Edward Lawrence, to help her uncover the suspicious dealings within the depths of the shop when she discovers an intriguing Greek vase in the basement.

This exciting and gripping novel contains intrigue and romance, set against the backdrop of a very real portrayal of London during the Georgian period. The author also touches upon the real struggle that young single women faced during this time, as Pandora battles for autonomy and for success as a jewellery maker to get away from her uncle, that she might make something of herself.

Susan Stokes-Chapman in a masterful storyteller, involving you in the plot in such a way that you won't want to put this book down! The suspense throughout is palpable and the characters are vivid and well-drawn with the colourful words the author chooses to bring this novel to life. You will find yourself being drawn into a deep story of plots and ancient curses, which will have you utterly absorbed and captivated from beginning to end.

So, if you are wondering what book to read next, or if you don't read much and would like an engaging novel to whet your appetite for reading, look no further than 'Pandora'. You won't be disappointed!

If you end up reading this riveting story or have already done so, please leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts on this gripping novel.

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