Love Always Trusts And Always Hopes
What does it mean that love always trusts? In the original Greek, the word used here is a form of the word 'pisteuo', meaning 'to believe, place faith in, or trust'. So this kind of love we are talking about here, means to believe in the other person, to offer them unconditional love, to not be suspicious about them and to be ready to believe the best about them.
Love chooses to trust others and not judge them for their past. Love chooses to think positively about the other person and not jump to conclusions. It exercises love on the other person unconditionally, and doesn't expect their loved one to do or achieve anything to earn that love.
Trust is a big part of a relationship, and genuine love is ready to be trustworthy, as well as trusting the other person. It will not give in to suspicion, or be ready to believe gossip, or be rash to judge based on the past or others accusations. Love stands by the other person and is ready to think the best about them at all times and in all situations. Of course, this is not to say that 'love is blind' or is gullible in any way, but rather, love will not reject others when they fail or give up on them as a lost cause, even if they have been untrustworthy. True love will forgive and help the other person in their failings - it will willingly and freely give second chances and offer to trust them again. Love works through the mess with the other person, and doesn't give up.
Love will not bloom and grow in an atmosphere of mistrust and suspicion. Trust and love go hand-in-hand together, and will look for the other person to flourish and succeed, which really links to the next part of 1 Corinthinas 13, where it also tells us that 'love always hopes'.
Where there is love there is hope. If you truly love someone you will trust them, if you trust them then you will also hope in them. You will have a hopeful attitude and outlook for their life and future, and will actively help them to aspire to that. This kind of hope is not passive, holding on to a distant hope that your loved one does well and won't mess up. Not at all. This kind of hope is active, drawing alongside the other person, encouraging and supporting them at all times. This loving hope sees the best for others, and will believe in them and stay positive in guiding them towards a brighter future.
Trust and hope are tightly linked, powered by love.