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Love Is Not Easily Angered


This can be a difficult one to follow, in any relationship in life. We've all faced situations where we have been frustrated, hurt and really angry with someone else because of something they have said or because of the way we have been treated. And yet, true love will respond with patience, and will not act in anger.

Tom and I have a policy in our marriage, where we won't go to bed angry with each other. If there's ever anything that we need to talk about because we're upset about something, we make sure we talk it through and apologise, ensuring the air is properly cleared, so that the anger that may have been there previously doesn't have time to fester and create a barrier between us. This goes hand in hand with the Bible verse in Ephesians 4:26 which says: "In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry."

James 1:19 says: "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." This is an excellent Bible verse to live by. It is so much better in all relationships, whether in marriage or towards family members or friends, to stay silent and go somewhere private to cool off and calm down, than respond in anger and act in haste. So many bitter words and vengeful acts have been committed in angry haste and deeply regretted later on, but by then the damage has been done.

This blog post twins nicely with my article entitled 'Love Is Patient', which you can read here.

Don't be quick to make snap judgements, or retort to another's harsh or unfair words, or act in haste after the unkind way you have been treated. Take time out to calm your anger; I like to make time to pray about the situation and how I feel and ask God to show me how to respond. I have often failed in this area, and it's something I'm working on, but I can honestly say I feel so much better when I choose patience over anger, and it always brings much better results.

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